Are you ready?

Thank you for booking a demo with Pillar Science. We specialize in data-driven matchmaking to help you understand what companies are looking for and increase your partnership numbers, enabling you to make more strategic decisions and drive your success.

How can I prepare for the demo?

KPI and Goals

Define your partnership objectives, so we can tailor the demo to your specific needs.

Current Partnerships

Prepare a list of your current partnerships to see how Pillar Science can enhance them.

Data Access

Be ready to discuss data access and integration for a seamless onboarding process.

Key Challenges

Identify any challenges you face in partnership management to explore potential solutions.

Success Metrics

Share your success metrics to evaluate how Pillar Science can help you achieve them.


Come with any questions you have about our platform and how it can benefit your business.

They Trust Us

We work with researchers and Fortune 100 companies in over a 100 institutions in the US.

John Wallrabenstein

Principal Engineer at Analog Devices

"Pillar Science helps me discover topics and expertise outside of my immediate network in universities."

Amitabh Das

Security Hardware Architect at AMD

"We typically do shorter term projects with universities. This allows to engage in longer-term research."

Jennifer Q Dickens

Manager, Business Technology at SRC

"The cost savings compared to in-house efforts or custom development were significant."

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